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Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 5:29 am
by jbebefore
Hi there, I have a problem that I hope you can help me with.

In a text I´d like some characters to be spoken, for example when a ( comes up I´d like it to spoken as abrepar, or when a " comes up I´d like it to be spoken as Comillas how can I do that?

It already works but it says something different and very long I´d like to change that. Thanks


Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 12:29 pm
by Jim Bretti
Here is something to try. There is an option under the Tools menu to speak the names of punctuation characters. To enable this option, from the TextAloud menu click Tools -> Text Processing -> Character Speaking and Filtering. Click the Add button, and on the Add dialog, change the Option dropdown to "Speak Character". In the characters field just list the characters you'd like spoken (there is no delimiter between the characters).

Next, to customize the pronunciations, exit TextAloud. In your TextAloud install directory, there is a file named symbols.chl. Copy this file outside the install directory so you can modify it. Edit the file with Notepad. The file simply associates text strings with characters. Change the text strings, just make sure there is a space between the character and the text string. If needed you can include pause tags in the text string, like {{Pause=0.5}} for a half second pause.

Save the symbols.chl file, and copy it back into the TextAloud install directory. TextAloud only reads the file at startup, so if you need to change the file, it is best to exit TextAloud, make your changes, and restart.

Let me know if you run into any problems.