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Acapela Sounds and Exclamations

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:28 am
by Jim Bretti
There is documentation at ... excla.html describing how you can insert tags in text to have Acapela voices speak various sound effects. For example, #LAUGH01#, #CRY01# and #COUGH01# can be used to have the voice speak text related to these sounds. The sounds are actually words, like 'Ha Ha', or "cough cough', and things like that, not actual sound effects.

Also, some voices will recognize specific words, like Ahoy! and Ahem!, and speak these words with a change of inflection.

You'll need to experiment, I'm not sure how accurate the documentation is. I noticed for example that Heather recognizes several of the sound tags, but not listed in the document.