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Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:06 pm
by Slyths
I have tried to make my TA to read the headings of my articles with a different voice other than the one reading the whole article, that I succeeded. However, there are certain things I didn't quite understand until now. I initially thought TA recognizes headings by the absence of 'full stop' but later came to the conclusion that the presence of anything other than a-z or A-Z renders a line as non-header.

How can I make any line to be recognized as a heading as long it doesn't contain 'full stop', even if there are letters or marks in it like > , < + = 3 - 5 β and so on?

I still have problems with lists of items in TA. TA reads a list to me, even though they are on different lines, as if they were a sentence, with no pause at all.Example:
I have tried inserting pause between paragraphs [1 or more newlines] but still didn't work.

I like to think TA recognizes paragraphs as texts separated by at least an empty space, like the sentence above (below the list) and this very one. It would be nice if there is a way to make TA recognize new paragraph as a single return key.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:27 pm
by Jim Bretti
On part 1, one way you might be able to use a different voice for reading text would be to use a regular expression (pattern match) that scans the text in 'line mode', and finds lines that contain no punctuation. You mentioned the β character, so probably best to use Unicode character classes in this case. An simple example of an expression that finds lines containing only letters, symbols, numbers and spaces, looks like this: (?m)^[\pL\pN\pZ\pS]+?$

So to change voices at every line line this, you could try a pronunciation dictionary entry like this:

Text Matching: Regular Expresssion

Pronounce Using: Respell
<voice required="name = your voice name">$0</voice>

In Part 2, not sure why the automatic pauses with the one or more newlines option isn't working, It sounds like that should work. An option would be disable the automatic pauses, and try something similar to above ... just change the above to add a pause tag instead of changing voices:

Text Matching: Regular Expresssion

Pronounce Using: Respell
$0 {{Pause=1.0}}

We may need to tweak the regular expressions some, but that is the general idea. If you need a regular expression reference give the one at a try.

Does that help?