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Generate timing files (like karaoke files) for a given text

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:05 am
by hbemtec
Hello everybody,

I noticed that TextAloud was able to highlight each word it reads while it reads it.
Now, my question is: it there a way to get a "timing list" that associates each word with the time it begins to be pronounced (like a karaoke) ?

For example (the given times are totally random):
"The cat is in the garden" would give:

Code: Select all

The => 0.00
cat => 0.75
is => 1.25
in => 1.75
the => 2.15
garden => 2.40
or something along these lines.

Do you know a way (even involving programming or exploring dark APIs :D ) to achieve that ? Or any tech doc/link/smoke signal I could follow ?
Or has it ever been considered as a feature idea for a future release ?

Thanks in advance

Re: Generate timing files (like karaoke files) for a given text

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:37 am
by Jim Bretti
It currently is not possible to configure TextAloud to write this kind of file automatically, but there may be way to do it yourself from your own program using some "dark api's"

Send me an email at and I'll give you some instructions.

Re: Generate timing files (like karaoke files) for a given text

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:06 am
by hbemtec
I just sent you a mail, thank you so much for your answer !