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"Watch Mouse" changes voice

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:24 am
by Andrew
I have TA set to automatically read new articles. I use this in conjunction with Watch Mouse. The problem I'm having is if I pick a voice other than the default voice in TA. If I do this, select an area with the mouse, TA changes back to the default voice. Of course, I could change the default voice every time I change voices. But I don't see a way I can do that from the handy dropdown interface on the "current article" toolbar. Is there a way to stop TA from doing this.

Re: "Watch Mouse" changes voice

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:42 am
by Jim Bretti
TextAloud will always use the default voice when creating a new article via Watch Clipboard / Watch Mouse. So if you're using Watch Mouse, currently your only option is to change the default voice.

Probably the best alternative is to use hotkeys for either speaking text or creating new articles (see Tools -> Hotkey Setup). When you create a hotkey to speak text aloud or import text, you can assign a voice to the hotkey. This allows you to have several hotkeys defined for speaking / importing text, each using a different voice.

If you prefer using the Watch Mouse feature, one of the Actions available from the Mouse Speak prompt is "Replace current article text". When you use this Replace option, it replaces the article text without touching the voice assigned to the article. So you could use the "New" button whenever you want to create a new article with the default voice assigned, or Replace when you want to replace the current article and continue using the voice assigned to that article.

To make it a little easier, you can right click the Append button in the Mouse Speak prompt, and change the button to perform a Replace, leaving you with "New" and "Replace" buttons.

If you happen to be using an automatic action to delete the article after speaking you'll need to disable it.

Let me know if this doesn't help.