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Word toolbar and Hotkey

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:30 am
by jackthebest
I've two questions reguarding toolbars:
1) How can I make visible the Microsoft-Word-2007-toolbar for TextAloud?
2) The toolbar for FireFox for example gives the opportunity to click on "Speak"-button. How can I apply a shortcut to the symbol? Reason: When I use the hotkey to make TA reading in any program, highlighting doesn't work...

THANKS for your answers in advance!
Best wishes,

Re: Word toolbar and Hotkey

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:26 pm
by Jim Bretti
Hi Jakob,

I just posted some debugging instructions for the Word toolbar at If the post doesn't help, send me an email at and we'll do some more debugging.

Unfortunately there is currently not a way to assign keyboard shortcuts to external toolbars, such as the toolbar for Firefox. We hope to be able to add this in a future release.