Hotkeys for TextAloud in Firefox

Forum for TextAloud version 3

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Hotkeys for TextAloud in Firefox

Post by azulmarino »

Finally, I managed to program a set of handy shortcuts to control TextAloud while reading the news in Firefox. No more mousing up to TextAloud toolbar buttons is needed. A simple AutoHotKey script does the job nicely.

Code: Select all

; More than one tab must be open in Firefox for the mouse clicks on this code to hit their target.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, Firefox
; Stop TextAloud
MouseClick, left,  142,  125
Sleep, 100
; Pause TextAloud
MouseClick, left,  119,  123
Sleep, 100
; Speak
~LButton & Space::
KeyWait Space
MouseClick, left,  85,  125
Sleep, 100
If you wonder what is AutoHotKey, let me suggest you to read a couple of articles about the subject in LifeHacker blog and if you want to fullly undestand the code above, then study the Turotial (quick start) from the program's help file.
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